Do you have a few exams left to finish your studies, but somehow you feel you lack the concentration or memory retain?
Do you often notice that you will do anything else instead of studying?
Is your attention span very short?
What if I tell you that you can approach every exam confidently, focused, relaxed, and with a clear mind?
It is quite common for people to suffer from exam nerves and stress. Some people are so tense about an upcoming exam or test they can barely study. Revision, essay deadlines, and general study pressure can all mount up to cause stress and worry. Through hypnosis, you can have complete power over your ability to study and take exams.
A new study points to specific areas of the brain when are affected by hypnosis contributes to enhanced memory and information retaining. The hypnotherapy is a tool for modifying our brain to work faster, better, smarter.
Hypnosis, Memory and the Brain
The key to understanding the ability of hypnosis to improve memory is found in how our memory works in the first place. Memory is actually a complicated system that remains not fully understood. There are very short-term memories (like recalling a phone number) that last a few seconds. The long term memory works in a two-stage process. First, you store the experience somewhere in your mind and secondly, you have to recall that memory. Problems may occur in either system: storage or retrieval. Remember hypnosis is a trance that focuses attention on a limited area, can slow down thinking, heighten the imagination, and prevent distractions. Hypnosis, if used by a skilled practitioner, can help focus attention on either part of the memory system, how the information was stored or how to recall it.
Using Hypnosis To Boost Memory and Accelerate Learning
Have you ever noticed how you might be trying to remember something and the harder you try to remember the more difficult it becomes until you just give up trying? And later, when you thought you’d forgotten all about trying to remember, the information you wanted just popped into your mind?
Well, of course, we know that the information was there the whole of the time but you were experiencing what Emile Coue termed as the “Law of Reversed Effect”
And of course, we all know how the mind can wander when we are feeling relaxed and all sorts of memories can flow up into conscious awareness.
So, using memory techniques makes sense. In fact, many accelerated learning programs such as speed reading to develop a photographic memory actually use a state of altered consciousness similar to hypnosis (although they don’t usually tell you so), instead, they may talk about Alpha and Theta states.
Concentration is important!
Do you ever leave a room intending to do or look for something only for your intention to go completely out of your mind when you get there?
Or perhaps you have difficulty putting names to faces or remembering important points when it comes to exams?
Most of us have memory lapses from time to time, however, if it is becoming more frequent then you’ve probably considered using some techniques to improve your memory recall.
Stress can impede memory recall so if this is a factor in your life then hypnosis can help to reduce stress and improve your memory and concentration.
Even if you’re not stressed, hypnosis has the wonderful ability to help you to trust in your subconscious mind whilst guiding you into a deep state of relaxation.
How memory and concentration sessions can help you?
You have probably also experienced trying to remember something and yet the harder you tried the more difficult it was to recall – only for that same information to have come into your head later when you were relaxed and when you have completely forgotten about the thing you want to remember.
This is something that happens to many of us now and again. Most of that information was there all the time but during the relaxation, your brain wave activity slowed down from alpha to the beta-theta level – which is the same cycle as hypnosis produces.
The difference between hypnosis and relaxation is that your subconscious mind is more amenable to suggestions, (providing these are suggestions that you want to take place, of course).
You can also absorb and process new information more effectively and having experienced hypnosis via this audio session, you will find it easier to re-enter the state when you want to focus your mind in the future.
How does Hypnotherapy help you with memory and learning?
We will boost your motivation to study using hypnosis!
Much like the muscles that move our body, the brain gets stronger the more we exercise it. When we study and learn really well our mind expands to accommodate the new information this brings. But you are not a passive observer in your studies. To learn really well, you must be an active participant, searching for information to impress upon your mind. Yet, this is sometimes easier said than done. Do you spend too much time on Facebook or watching TV when you really should be studying? If so, you are not alone. The biggest challenge to learning is finding the time and motivating yourself to study really well. You can force yourself to study, but if you need to do that then it suggests you get no intrinsic reward from studying. Of course, not every subject is interesting. But what if there was a way to develop true satisfaction in the process of learning? Well, you can let go of the idea that learning is an experience to be endured. You can be curious, open, and motivated instead. A strong, well-prepared mind comes from practice, conditioning, and encouragement. You can rapidly improve your motivation to study by tapping into the power of your amazing subconscious mind. With the help of hypnosis, you can increase your desire to learn and change the way you think about the material you study.
Memories, even your most precious ones, fade surprisingly quickly. But I don’t go along with that. The memories I value most, I don’t ever see them fading.
Kazuo Ishiguro
How can hypnotherapy help you with studying?
Imagine what it would be like to:
- Become more motivated to study and work harder!
- Focus on progress and enjoy the process of learning!
- Be more confident in your ability to learn new things!
Hypnotherapy is a wonderful way to change or improve your approach to education and learning since hypnosis makes the mind very open. When your subconscious mind is open to ideas that are aligned with your conscious goals, then the possibilities are endless. Our hypnotherapy sessions are been developed primarily to help boost your motivation to study. It includes a variety of advanced hypnotherapy techniques that can increase your motivation at a subconscious level, but it also aims to help you enjoy the process of learning and to be interested and curious about what you are learning. This powerful hypnosis recording gives you all the tools you need to study more effectively and achieve the results you desire.
Use the power of your subconscious mind to study successfully!
Disclaimer: Please remember that everybody is different and therefore results and response times do vary from person to person.
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